24 Jul

Kitesurfing Beginner Errors: 3 Basic Kitesurfing errors to Avoid

In each sport, you must follow certain rules. In order to avoid mistakes that can lead to traumatic situations, it is necessary to deal with a trainer.

So, what mistakes can newbies make in kitesurfing:

Wrong board selection 

Your first surf "directional" board should not be for growth. This means that you do not need to take a small freestyle board and sharp turns at once, until you have learned how to step over, make turns on both racks without losing control and speed.

Take a board more - then it will be easier for you to do these maneuvers and you will not fall so often. Below is the size of the board for beginners that I recommend based on the weight of the rider and the length of the board (we will take the average width relative to the size)

  • Weight less than 55 kg - board 5'8 ″ (five feet and 8 inches)
  • Weight from 55 to 70 kg - board 5'11 "
  • Weight from 70 to 80 kg - board 6'0 ″
  • Weight from 80 to 90 kg - board 6'2 ″
  • Weight from 90 kg - 6'4 ″ and more.

Having learned how to do the above-mentioned maneuvers on this board, you can take a smaller shell, and give / sell this board to other beginners. Or leave it on the waves more. Because for a small wave, you can use a smaller board, but when there are four meters and more, then you need to take the size of the board more - so that there is a reserve in speed.

Wrong stand on the board

This moment is also very important. Try rolling to keep your feet wide. The back leg looks straight and bent at the knee towards the front leg. The front leg is turned towards the nose of the board by 15-20 degrees. Taz over the board.

The back is straight and chest-turned in the direction of travel. Try to work with your knees as often as possible (bend them) and extinguish all the irregularities at their expense - then you get used to holding onto the board better.

An important moment when riding a wave is that the center of gravity is more on the front foot, and not on the back. Put your front foot forward so that when you roll you can lift your back foot into the air and drive for a few seconds.

Misuse of lichen

If you train on small waves, chop, or even on even water, the use of depriving is not recommended. It only prevents to work out maneuvers. It is also strictly not recommended to use it when training jumps (strapless - without loops).

This is fraught with the fact that the board by inertia will fly behind you and fall right on the head. Also, the leash may become entangled in the lines and the kite will not restart. Wear it only when you go to ride on the waves more than 1.5 - 2 meters (onshore) and when riding in the squeezing wind.

Wrong choice of kite

If the wind is unstable, take a kite from the calculation: better a little more than a little less. You will have a small advantage and more chances to return to the shore if the wind turns sour.

With normal wind and a large volume board, the kite can be taken smaller and vice versa with a very small amount of board kite is better to take more. I also advise you to follow the wind not only where you ride, but also where you came from on the spot.

If nothing flies near the shore - is it not a reason to think that it is time to move there while it is not turned off while on the wave?) One more thing: I recommend using either specialized wave kites or hybrids for riding the waves. Do not use C-type. This also applies to new and old ones.